Golden Show Award for Best Sound

We won Golden Show Award for Best Sound

I am delighted to report that Sound Galleries together with our partners, Audiopax and Rethm have won the Golden Show Award for Best Sound from Peter Breuninger, at the HiFi Deluxe Show in Munich last week.

Peter is well known for his writing for both the Absolute Sound and Stereophile. Then he had the great idea of creating a Video review site, adding an exciting dimension to show reports and reviews.

Needless to say Silvio Periera of Audiopax, Jacob George of Rethm speakers and myself are all very proud. It was a lot of hard work to get our system to sound so good in this room and it paid off.

A big thank you Peter from the three of us once again, for taking the trouble to track us down at the HiFi Deluxe show and granting us this prestigious award.
Geoffrey Armstrong

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